I don't know about you, but these beautiful 60-degree days we've had post arctic blast have been BEAUTIFUL! But, alas, Oklahoma is still in the dead of winter, so that means cooler temperatures are on the horizon.
It won't be in the teens again - we hope - but it looks light starting tomorrow (Tuesday, January 3) the low for the day is expected to be 25 degrees. BURR! So you'll definitely want your jacket and to warm up your car before heading to work. Luckily, we'll end the week with some warmth, but it won't last long as the weekend will be a chilly one.
We recently talked about how the Farmers Almanac predicted an extended cold and chilly winter for Oklahoma to start off 2023. The Farmers Almanac has about an 80 percent success rate, so they may be right about winter these next few months.
In 2022, Oklahoma wasn't without its weather extremes. And Oklahoma weather in 2023 is looking to keep the wild antics up as eastern Oklahoma kicked off the new year with tornados.
After we get through this cold and chilly winter, we'll just have to wait and see what the weather will do! But in Oklahoma, you can always guarantee that it will be crazy and unpredictable.
For now, be sure to bundle up and take a look at these Oklahoma winter weather tips and tricks, just in case we get a surprise arctic blast again. We shall never forget the winter storm of February 2021!