Anonymous, 13 hours ago Whatever These are just excuses Brands like these don’t deserve the money Still a scam You don't like it, you don't buy it. Simple. No need to get emotional over it. I'm sure it'll sell enough to recoup costs for Citizen.
LOSE the bezels or lose the market. Why forsake all that valuable screen real estate to a wasted black ring around the surface?? Dumb & Dumber...
IBM Watson is chatBot, not AI, it's like lensa which just unleashed hell on art world and now useless artists knows their place is nowhere as even my cat can do art, similar to UX designers, who never seen a proper mobile phone in life, claim they have mastered user reserch, then the company hires another boka after other, when they can't repay the dept they make all these crap, they could have just worked on their satellite watch integration with phone tech instead. Now that enterprise 5G phones are available and India like country giving 5G spectrum for businesses atleast the IDs can be owned by user as watch, no consumer only costumers. Think
wow, just "over 24 hours"? meh, not gonna get this did it mention about thickness?
All I see are complains, complains ,complains
24 hours battery life? This is DOA. ?
What? Not the newest SOC in a smartwatch? No buy. Seriously.. I wanted to play Fortnite on a WATCH, why couldn't they just use the best chipset? /s
What new processor? as far as I know, the newest and best processor currently in wearOS devices is the snapdragon wear 4100+
Vasra, 13 hours agoPrice and development lead time. Japanese don't develop things in 2 weeks like the Chines... more Whatever These are just excuses Brands like these don’t deserve the money Still a scam
Anonymous, 13 hours ago Why use an old processor when the new one has been out for a while What a scam Price and development lead time. Japanese don't develop things in 2 weeks like the Chinese. More like 2 years.
Anonymous, 13 hours ago Why use an old processor when the new one has been out for a while What a scam Because they rather churn out trash in the millions of quantities instead of batches. Bad management which still hasn't learned it's lesson on loss minimizing
Will it warn us against aliens too?
Why use an old processor when the new one has been out for a while What a scam
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